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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Week Three


   They say that for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. In the world of distance running this is more commonly known as "training effect". It basically all comes down to this, you work hard, put your time in and eventually your body will adapt to the increased demands that you place on it. Before you know it, distances and paces that you once found difficult  become a little easier. It's such a simple concept. The only tricky part is finding that sweet spot where you're working just hard enough to get a result. But not over extending yourself and over training. It should be something easy to do. But it's not. In fact it's hard as hell!

   Over the past 12 years I've trained for countless races. Some training seasons were better than others. There were years where I didn't push myself hard enough. It may sound impossible to most non-runners, but an experienced runner can get away with doing very little training and fake their way through their big race. You probably won't smash any PR's, run the entire distance or feel very pain free while doing it. But you'll be able to limp your way to the finish line. I've done that more than once. 

   On the flip-side, I've had years where I trained too much. Even the best of us experienced runners call fall prey to thinking that more faster is better. While this may help some runners achieve great results, it's not something you can sustain for extended periods of time. If you try to make it last for a long time you'll wind up becoming injured and hating the thing that you so much love to do. I've done that more than once too. Luckily I didn't injure myself that badly and rediscovered my love for running again. 

   So as I find myself rounding the corner of my third week of this ultra training I think that I see a little bit of that glorious training effect creeping in. But man oh man, it's been challenging to get there. Unlike most of the marathon training that I've done in the past, this particular plan's weekly mileage ramp up is a bit faster than I'm used too. With the higher long run mileage amounts I've decided that the only way I can fit the runs into my schedule would be to do them on one of my days off. My work schedule is difficult to plan. I typically work four days and have two off. Which means that my days off rotate every week. Therefore my long runs will be rotating through my training weeks. This could be good because my legs will get one hell of a wallop on weeks when my long run and mid-distance runs are close spaced together. It could also make for a disastrous training week full of much suffering too. I'm making this up as I go. So time will be the true test of success. 

   This week had to be re-jiggered quite a bit. I was on vacation which was awesome! But my son went to a week long robotics Lego camp. It was only two hours each day and to make the pick-up time I had to log most of my miles and cross-training inside at the old Y that I used to belong to about 10 years ago. It was odd being back at a place that I spent so much time building the base of who I am today. I'm sad to say that it was just like I remembered it; stuffy, cramped and small. But I was not the same person. I'm much more experienced now, lighter, faster and am hoping to go further than I ever dreamed I could. 

   It was a long week, lots of challenging workouts, lots of long miles. As awful as the humid last three miles of my fourteen mile long run were this week, today's easy six were truly enjoyable on my newly repaired treadmill. Amazing how quickly you can recover when you abuse yourself. Just press on and do the hard work. You may reach your goals faster than you expect. But, it may take you longer than you would like it to also. 

   I don't know what's in store for me this October and November. I could have the race of my life. I could hobble away with my first DNF (Did Not Finish). Either way, I'm glad that I decided to take the journey. I hope that you're healthy, happy and enjoying your own journeys. Let me know how you're doing, what you have planned and what your thinking. Ride that lightning my friends and have a great week!

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