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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Week One...


   I had great hopes of bringing you all along today using my GoPro while my family and I spent most of the afternoon at a beautiful beach off Lake Ontario. I even managed to remember to charge it last night. But, alas I forgot to turn off the wi-fi. Needless to say, the battery was dead when I broke it out today. So, you just get a blog post today. Don't worry. I'll eventually get the hang of it.  

   What an incredibly long week of training! I find it mildly amusing that a week ago I thought that I was in very good running shape. Throw in a little more volume and training specific workouts into the mix and wham; you get snapped back into reality. I've got a very long way to go.

   That being said, I've done enough distance training to realize that for as tough as this week was and the coming workouts will be; it'll pay off come race day. I started off the week very energized and excited. I almost made the mistake of getting carried away a little too much and almost overextended myself. This year instead of throwing myself headfirst into the training accepting nothing but the hardest workouts and best performances I've decided to ease back a little. I've got another 15 weeks to get to the level that I feel like I want to be. So, this year I'm going to slowly get into the training schedule. If there's one thing that last year's extra time off due to injury taught me, it's that quality is more important than quantity. Here's my game plan for doing that:

   Many of the workouts in my chosen ultra plan have minimum and maximum distances. If I only can run the minimum mileage for that workout, then so be it. I'm not going to stress about the higher end of the spectrum. Going to focus on putting in time on my feet and less on the impressive numbers of garbage mileage. Quality mileage.  

   Many novice runners make the mistake of thinking that every run needs to be at break neck pace. Even old veterans can fall into this trap. During my long run this week I even had to walk briefly. It was hot, humid and my legs were shredded from all the volume earlier in the week. At first I started to mentally beat myself up. But, I realized that I didn't need to do that. I walked for a little bit, re-hydrated, refueled and got back into the groove for the rest of the run. I even managed to get back on pace. Forward progress counts, even if it's one step at a time.

   As usual I've got numerous little aches and pains this year as I start my training season. In the past I would've blatantly ignored them and forged on through my cross-training. Not this year. Instead of doing excess reps with excessively heavy weights I'm cutting back to the recommended number of reps with the recommended weight amounts. In the past I've toed the starting line to some of my races exhausted, injured or just on the verge of becoming that way. Train smarter, not harder.

   Training for endurance events eats up so much of your free-time that it can feel like a second full-time job. Because of that, stretching was something that I looked at as a nuisance. If I didn't have time for it, I didn't do it. Not this year. I'm making an effort to make sure that I make the time to stretch out. It's not a waste of time to do something that will decrease your overall pain and increase your chances of staying injury free during your season. Make time for stretching and increase flexibility.

   Sleep is something of a rarity in my life whether I'm training or not. With the increased workload of training I usually get even less during this time of year. This year I'm going to focus on getting at least eight hours everyday. Sleep is the most powerful thing for repairing the damage done to your body during your training. Yes, learning to survive with less rest and function at a high level of fatigue is part of distance training. But, doing that everyday, every week is going to rob you of good performances when getting your workouts in. Get rest and naps count!

   I used to think that I was the only person that I needed to get through my distance events. I was wrong. When you decide to take up the challenge of running distance races you can't do it on your own. It affects everyone in your life. It affects your time, your diet, your mood and about a million other things. It's ok to ask the people in your life to help you when you need it. If your spouse asks you if they can mow the lawn for you, let them. If you need to make an appointment with your chiropractor, make one. You have a team. Use it to help you get to the starting line healthy and happy.

   As the training season approaches my stomach grumbles with anticipation. It knows that when training finally starts that I can virtually get away with eating anything that I want. This is one of the biggest hidden secrets of distance athletes. We love running and we love the ability to eat like crap without recourse. I'm not going to do that this year. This year food is going to be less about comfort and more about quality. The alcohol consumption is going to decrease as well as the high fat and high sugar type of foods. Food is fuel.

   I survived this week and I'm pooped from the good effort. After doing so many distance races I've come to realize that in the end it's not the event that you remember the most. It's the countless hours that you spent and miles that you ran that stick with you. The race itself is over before you know it. But, the experiences you have while devoting yourself to becoming the best that you can be for a single moment in time are priceless. They show you what's truly inside.

   So, when you're out there 10 miles from your home, exhausted, on a country road without a car in sight, when there isn't a cloud in the sky, a blazing sun beating down on you, with temps above 80 degrees, humidity so high that the air's like pea soup, force yourself to smile. Remember one of my favorite quotes from an unlikely source, Winnie the Pooh:

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."

   Ride that lightning my friends and have a great week. Let me know how your training's going and if there's anything I can do to help. The future looks promising indeed...

Monday, June 23, 2014

5 Miles More Podcast-Episode 14 "Day One of Ultra-Marathon Training"

Let The Journey Begin

   There's no more putting it off now. No more "Maybe next year". No more "I'm not sure I want to do this". No more "I'm not ready". Today is the day to "shit or get off the pot" as they say. Today I started training for a distance that I've never gone before. After 12 years of training and running distance races I must admit that the various unknown aspects of this event scare the hell out of me. So many questions, so many new things to figure out, so many what if's. But then again, that's one of the more exciting reasons of why to do it in the first place. 

   Waking up this morning I could tell that it was going to be a special day. I know people who aren't distance runners won't see why a day like today would be special. But, for runners like us it's a chance to go beyond our perceived limits and see what we're truly made of. I don't need to prove myself to anybody other than myself. I think that's why distance running appeals so much to me. I'd love to win my first ultra-marathon. But, I'd love to prove I could go the distance more. There's something magical about being better than you were the day, month, year before. Even small victories of tenths of a mile and seconds are celebrated. What's life for other than to become the best that you could possibly be? A long time ago I decided that I didn't want to exist. I wanted to live and endurance events like this give me that alive feeling. Who'd of thought beating up on yourself could be so rewarding?

   Today's run went amazingly well considering that I stayed up way too late eating and drinking things that I know aren't good for me. Even though I'm new to ultra-running, I'm a veteran when it comes to training for distance events. There's a lot of planning that goes into training for 16 weeks. You need to eat right, get good sleep and do the work. Throw in the additional time it takes to do all of those things, a full-time career and family and you've got quite a handful to juggle. So, for the last four days I've had my fun. Now, the real work begins. It felt damn good to have a goal again. The mini taper I put myself through rewarded me with a good kick in my legs and very little hip and hamstring tightness. The energy in the air was palatable as I knocked out exactly seven miles in an hour. Had a lot of fun playing with the new camera. But, that talking thing when your running is tough! I give mad props to you podcasters who do that on a regular basis! 

   Over then next 16 weeks I'm going to try to give you my thoughts and show you my experiences as I travel down this unfamiliar road. I'm not sure where it's going to lead, how I'm going to get there and what it's going to be like when I arrive. Hopefully it'll be one of the best experiences of my life. I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to ultra-marathons. But, that isn't going to stop me from giving it my best shot and have a hell of a time doing it. Don't be afraid of the unknown. Believe in yourself. Believe that you have what you need inside of you to get through the challenges placed before you. You wield an amazing amount of power in your life. Everybody tries to muddle up what life's really about. You need to act this way, do these things and get these results. But, it's much less complicated than that. All you need to do is close your eyes, breathe and take the first step. Let me know if I can help. 

   Ride that lightning my friends...  


Thursday, June 19, 2014

5 Miles More Podcast-Episode 13 "GoPro & Easing Back"

Hello my friends. I've finally bit the bullet & forked up the money for a GoPro. This is the 1st of what I hope to become a new & improved version of my video podcasts. The volume is a little low in spots. But, Sandman Jr. dancing around in the background makes up for it!

Ride that lightning...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

5 Miles More -Episode 12 "Peroneal Tendonitis"

In this episode I talk to my good friend Chris Russell about his peroneal tendonitis. 

Ride that lightning and don't get injured my friends...

Five Miles More-Episode 11 "Gosnell Nature Preserve-Part II"

In this episode I talk about my return to the Gosnell Nature Preserve. I recently discovered that there's a short trail inside the preserve. This is a brief clip of Ry & I after we explored it.

Ride the lightning my friends...

Thursday, June 5, 2014

National Running Day (A Day Late)

   I originally meant to post something witty related to running on the big "National Running Day" yesterday. But, I did something a little selfish instead, I just enjoyed my workout that day. It was really kind of funny watching me try to figure it out. I typically run my hill workout on a treadmill inside my gym. It's nice to be able to change the elevation with the press of a button. But, I'd really like to eventually figure something out so that I can get this done outside on some hills. So, after some suggestions from fellow running friends I downloaded some new running apps for my phone that track elevation. I tested out the apps on various hills near my gym. Starting, stopping, starting again. I just couldn't find anything out there that automatically calculates the percent elevation automatically. So I got frustrated, gave up and ran inside. Regardless, it was a great run and the energy of all of the college kids home for the summer working out in my gym was uplifting. The grizzled regular hardcore weightlifters who stare at me and my unconventional exercises leave much to be desired and do little for my enthusiasm.

   Things have been going well otherwise. I'm trying to bring back more stretching into my daily life. The evening five minute sessions with a tennis ball while watching TV really helped my hamstring issues and it's flaring up again. So is that damn right shoulder strain. I've just gotta get my lazy but off that couch and do it. This week will be the first in about a month and a half of doing two cross-training sessions. I originally dropped down to just one to give the hamstrings and shoulder a break. But, as the day to officially start ultra training grows nearer I've gotta get back to more than once a week. After a little soul searching I've decided that maybe I was a little overzealous in past years with regards to how much cross-training that I did. It's easy to fall into that mentality that more is better. Well, sometimes it isn't. Therefore I'm still going to continue with my eight-week plan from my buddy Matt Fitzgerald. But, just cap the reps at what he recommends. No more extra stuff. I also scrapped the idea for trying to complete the 10 x 10 challenge. 10 miles every day for ten days just isn't smart right before my ultra training. Another time.

   The 2014 Run For The Sun is off and I've managed to convince the entire family to try it out this year. Everyone seems to be enjoying doing at least a mile a day. The little guy even has his Fitbit to help him track his stats. I came upon him running up and down our main hallway yesterday to pad his numbers. Hey, it's exercise and how can I complain. Someone who may have been trying to run 366 days in a row may have run laps in his basement during his surprise birthday party for the same reason! Tomorrow will be day 525 and there's no end in sight!

   I'm absolutely loving the new season of Boundless on the Esquire channel. Mrs. Sandman introduced it to me and I just can't get enough. Two guys globetrotting around the planet doing ultra distance running and biking races; sign me up! Esquire channel if you need someone new for the next season all you have to do is ask. The show's inspired me to think about getting a GoPro camera. Although, not anytime soon. I don't have a spare $500 laying around. I looked at getting a pair of Google Glass specs too. But, that price tag of $1500 is even worse. Besides, it doesn't look like they're going to be available until the next century to the regular public anyways. It'd be really unique to bring you along on my runs to see what I see. The only thing that's frustrating me about the show is that I can't find past episodes from season one anywhere? I'm good at that sort of stuff. But, I just can't seem to work my magic. Hopefully it'll come out on DVD soon.

   I've gotten my three free boxes of Accel gel in the mail. Really stoked to have my running pay for itself in a small way. At about $34 a box, I'll take free stuff every time! I look forward to trying them out and my new ultra vest this Saturday for my long run.

   Even though it's a day late I wish all of you a happy National Running Day! Running is one of the most incredibly honest sports out there. Yes, there are skilled runners who are able to run faster and further than us mere mortals. But, for the most part, us average people only get out what we put in when it comes to running. You do the hard work and amazing things will happen. You don't and you'll suffer during the longer distances and not meet your goals. I was amazed and thrilled to hear that my sister in law went on her first trail run with Mrs. Sandman the other day. She's been on a very personal quest to improve her health and the trans-formative nature of our sport is molding her into one badass fit chic! To hear that someone who thought I was crazy for running when nobody was chasing me loved her first time on the trails was just another example of the power that running has when you first try it.

   Get out there, do something that your body was designed to do and of course, ride that lightning my friends! Have a great week!    

Sunday, June 1, 2014

5 Miles More-Episode 10 "Sandkid Jr. Speaks"

In this episode Sandkid Jr. hijacks the podcast to talk about his first mile for this year's Run For The Sun. Wait, he forgot to say ride the lightning....